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31 Game Reviews

4 w/ Responses

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I'll give you a list of my pros and cons:


Medieval music
Nice animation
Statistics of your gameplay


Not many towers/buildings to choose from
Only one straight road to the castle (atleast for me, because my game freezes at 8 minutes and 13 seconds, so I am only able to play level 1, dunno if other people experiences the same thing as I am. I want to test the other 2 levels aswell, I would appreciate if you could fix it :3)
Poor gameplay
Too easy, was it neccesary to change the difficulty?
I dont think that 3 levels are enough for a game
Could've been more gadgets, for example when a tower reaches a certain level it would get a special ability, but this is only neccesary if you wont make any more towers and buildings, just to balance out the monotonous gameplay.

My tip for you is to check out some other tower games to get ideas and tips to help you improve your own game.

Now I'm just waiting for a sequel or maybe a brand new tower-game from you, keep up the good work! :)


The drawing of your own ship was totally new to me, but it was really cool. It got kinda repetitive, but because you had different enemies and the adding cannon options you get 7/10.

I can assure you that atleast 70% of the people drew dick-ships. Including me xD

SaucedMike responds:

from what i can tell, the statistic is closer to 80-90%


this isnt really a game. and not funny either. Why dont you draw a flash or something with GOOD MUSIC, where you dont have to click on one button to see some so called "error" windows.

AntoArts-Admin responds:

Everyone can't like it..... The music, already heard about that, and I know this is no game, but it's no movie either, so what should I choose?

And acctually, I'am making real games too, but this is jokes, just for fun, if you don't like fun, don't watch parodies!


It was a good game, the bad parts was that you wrote ennemy instead of enemy, and that it didnt change backgrounds from age to age, its kinda wrong that you fight as aliens with trees and blue sky in the background :P I didnt notice that evolving through ages reqired xp at the beginning, i thought you evolved with money, so i pwnd some crusaders with dinos xD Otherwise, it was really fun to play, your futuristic soldiers looked cool :D


Hhahaaha thats some random stuff you got xD

Fun game

It's a really good game, but I aswell was expecting some sort of ending though :S
I experienced a huge glitch in the game, i had just won over some bandits, and then i kept on winning until i had like 123456 of everything :D And when I sold all that I had infinite amount of cash :P


This was actually pretty funny! :D I found 2 easter eggs, the song and the head...is there more?


lol u didnt even get the tabs right...

eclypzsnake responds:

the tabs are right...
which tab are you talking about that isn't right than?


Hah its a fun game, i got#1 on the ranking list :D:D


It was actually pretty fun, i thought it would be one of those choose-a-death thing, but you had levles aswell:) a few nore would be better tho

I likes gaimz.

Age 32, Male

Norra Real


Joined on 6/10/06

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